I'm a Lutheran. While we Lutherans believe in the priesthood of the people, we do not preach unless properly called and ordained by the church. I have been writing sermons for some time and may some day go to seminary, if it please God. Until then, I have no authority to preach, and therefore these sermons should be taken for what they are: not an educated and authoritative teaching on the word of God, but an exercise in studying said word and writing my discoveries in sermon form.

Hymns are from Evangelical Lutheran Worship unless otherwise specified.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Year B, Lectionary 17 (July 29, 2012)

·         2 Kings 4:42-44
·         Psalm 145:10-18 (16)
·         Ephesians 3:14-21
·         John 6:1-21

I like it when the lectionary guys do something obvious like that. Comparing Jesus to Elisha! Because they did the same miracles!

Actually, you should read all that stuff about Elijah and Elisha, because yeah, they did do all the same miracles as Jesus. Plus some way cooler ones. From which we can draw two conclusions.

Option A: the guys who wrote the gospels made up Jesus's miracles to show he was just like Elijah and Elisha. That's not at all unlikely, considering that just about everything in the New Testament is written with an agenda.

Option B: Jesus really did the miracles, but since it was all done before, the miracles aren't what makes Jesus special.

Then again, maybe both. The evangelists made up the miracles, because miracles weren't important to Jesus's mission.

Or not.

One way or the other, the miracles aren't important. Miracles are what we want from God. But God doesn't really care what we want from him. Read the Bible, it's all right there. God already did the following for us: everything. He expects us to manage a little bit on our own and stop aggravating with whining. Specifically, "do not put the Lord your God to the test." Also, I did an Excel spreadsheet, and it turns out that belly-aching is the third most common cause of the Lord's anger, after "worshipping the Baals" and "being a stumbling-block".

Seriously. Forget about the miracles. Jesus isn't gonna do any miracles for you. Quite possibly, Jesus never did any miracles. That's not what Jesus was on about. Jesus told you: help others.

That's all I'm gonna say about it this time. Stop asking for loot and miracles, serve others.

Praise be to God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

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