I'm a Lutheran. While we Lutherans believe in the priesthood of the people, we do not preach unless properly called and ordained by the church. I have been writing sermons for some time and may some day go to seminary, if it please God. Until then, I have no authority to preach, and therefore these sermons should be taken for what they are: not an educated and authoritative teaching on the word of God, but an exercise in studying said word and writing my discoveries in sermon form.

Hymns are from Evangelical Lutheran Worship unless otherwise specified.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Zut alors...

K, I don't know how I managed it, but I totally started in the wrong place in the lectionary. I had June 10 marked as Lectionary 13 when in reality it's Lectionary 10. So the good news is, now I have sermons for the next two Sundays; the bad news is, I'm missing three weeks of sermons. Good thing I don't actually preach to a congregation... Anyway, if you're reading this (are you? no one ever comments) and you also go to church, you might find the whole thing confusing; if not, just keep calm and carry on.

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